Tuesday, June 25, 2013

GMC 2013

GMC 2013 Women's Esprit Leadership Team is looking forward to WE Leadership Brunch at Hop Diner.  Special Speaker is First Lady, Allison Martin. Expecting to hear a Word from God when Sis. Frankie Poole speaks at WE Session.  Tuesday's Women's Esprit Session, business and election, will be in the Caraway Room.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Inspiring Book List

"He fed his spirit with the bread of books"  ~Edwin Markham

Anyone who wishes to become a better mother, wife, friend, daughter or child of God should always be willing to pick up a good book and read it. As Mr. Markham states it is like sustenance to our souls. WE have provided you with a list of book suggestions that will help you to grow and become better in the areas of your life that matter most. 

A special thank you to those who contributed to this list. Sisters; Beth Garnett, Renae Chessor, Roxann McKnight, Dorcas Hammond, Susan Pless, Faythe Gill, Jamie McCool and Penny Carpenter.

Silver Boxes
Florence Littauer

The Four Seasons Of Marriage
Gary Chapman

Happier At Home
Gretchen Rubin

Eat Clean
Tosca Reno

And Baby Makes Three
John Gottman PH.D. and Julie Schwartz Gottman PH.D

Fit To Be Tied
Bill and Lynne Hybels

His Needs Her Needs
Willard F Harley, Jr.

Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit
John Paul Jackson

Covered by Love
Lori Wagner and Gwen Oakes

The Power of a Praying Wife Devotional
Stormie Omartian

The Invisible Woman
Nicole Johnson

The Bait Of Satan
John Bevere

Holiness Modesty
Marjorie Kinnee

Fresh Power
Jim Cymbala

When Ye Fast
Joy Haney

When Ye Pray
Joy Haney

When You Give
Joy Haney

This Is That
Kimberly Eady

New Every Morning
Mel Cheatham

A Tale Of Two Sons
John MacArthur

Irregular People
Joyce Landorf

Shattered Dreams
Larry Crabb

Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

Fear Of The Lord
John Bevere

The Five Love Languages
Gary Chapman

The Power Of Blessing Your Children
Mary Ruth Swope

The Five Love Languages Of Teenagers
Gary Chapman

The Connected Child
Karyn Purvis and David Cross

Eat This Book
Melani Shock